
Guangxin Wang

Embedded System Engineer

H1 About Me

H2 Education

H3 Northeast Petroleum University

  • September 2015 ~ June 2019

  • Electronic Information Science and Technology

  • Majors: Data Structures, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Digital Image Processing

H3 Dalian Maritime University

  • September 2020 ~ June 2023

  • Computer Science and Technology

  • Majors: Underwater image enhancement, Deep learning

H2 Work

H3 Hikvision

  • June 2022 ~ September 2022

  • Department: Software Product Development Center

  • Position: Video Surveillance Software Client Development Engineer

  • Language: CPP, Qt

Responsible for video surveillance client customization project. The customization requirements involve modules such as monitoring point resource tree, key personnel identification event linkage, video playback calendar, real-time preview window, etc.

H3 Neusoft

  • June 2023 ~ Now

  • Department: Product Engineering and Software Testing Division. (International business)

  • Position: Mobile Wireless Module Development Engineer

  • Language: CPP, C

Responsible for Android cell phone wireless module driver development and maintenance.